Today is Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to speak out against anti-LGBTQ bullying and stand with LGBTQ youth. Watch trans queer dad Reese Rathjen Amyx reading his toddler a sweet anti-bullying board book with a message of kindness!
Reese Rathjen Amyx is the digital fundraising manager for the National LGBTQ Task Force. Here he is reading Spirit Day: A Book About Spreading Joy, illustrated by J Yang, part of the partnership between Little Bee Books and GLAAD. One of the most important things we parents can do to prevent bullying is to be mindful of our own behaviors and attitudes and to teach our children kindness and empathy. Stories like this are one way to start!
(If the video isn’t visible, click the Instagram box below to view it on Instagram.
Unfortunately, not everyone has gotten this message. LGBTQ youth (particularly trans youth) and others who are the targets of bullies need our help more than ever. The American Psychological Association has a number of pieces about prevention and response strategies for bullying of many kinds; GLSEN has some good resources for those looking to create positive change in their local schools; the Movement Advancement Project offers a map of safe schools laws in every state; and my LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources list has links to additional materials, programs, and organizations.