Since 2005. Two-time GLAAD Media Award winner for Outstanding Blog.

Pride to the Polls

Weekly Political Roundup

I’m doing an abbreviated roundup this week because a) it’s a holiday weekend; and b) this week has been pretty much all DADT, all the time, and you’re probably up to your eyeballs with DADT coverage. In brief, however, we need to remember: DADT is still in effect. Even if the full Senate follows the House and passes a repeal, DADT will stay in effect until after the Department of Defense completes its study of the impact of repeal, comes up with an implementation plan, and gets sign-off from the President, Secretary of Defense, and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs. We haven’t taken this hill yet. The other big news this week was the hearing in Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Health and Human Services, the second of two Massachusetts lawsuits aimed at striking down a major part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). And President Obama has
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