Blog Admin

In Memoriam

By way of further explanation for my blog absence this week: My father passed away on Monday. It was not unexpected, but no less difficult because of that.

Back in a Few

I’m taking a few days off because of a family emergency. Thanks for your understanding.

BlogHer Shoutouts

BlogHer ’11 has been over for more than a week now, but I went right from the conference to an extended vacation with my in-laws. They took all of us, plus my spouse’s siblings and their kids, on a cruise to Mexico (about which more later), but since I bled money every time I logged

And We’re Back

I’m back from a week of vacation, floating around the Mexican Riviera with my spouse, son, and in-laws. As soon as I’ve recovered from a red-eye flight and jet lag, I’ll fire up the posts here again. In the meantime, here’s a slightly related story from the Associated Press about Mexico City’s 1000th same-sex wedding.

Summer Vacation

I’m taking a few days to recover and recharge after BlogHer, and to try and assimilate everything that happened there, especially during the great panel session I participated on with Ana Flores of Spanglish Baby, Tracey Friley of One Brown Girl, and moderator Deb Rox of 3 Smart Girlz and Deb on the Rocks. Posting will therefore be a

See You at BlogHer!

I’m furiously packing to head off to the big BlogHer conference for women bloggers in San Diego this weekend. If any of you are going (other than Polly of Lesbian Dad and Vikki of Up Popped a Fox, whom I know will be there), drop me a note. I’d love to meet you! I’m also excited to meet my fellow

Going to BlogHer? Say Hi!

Hard to believe I’m talking about August already, but I’ll be speaking at the big BlogHer conference for women bloggers at the beginning of August in San Diego. If any of you are going, drop me a note. I’d love to meet you! I’ll be on the “Minding Your Own Business – When diversity is

Snowed In–And a Bit of Winter Reading

We’re snowed in outside of Boston here. There’s more than a foot of the white stuff on the ground. Regular blogging will resume when we’ve finished our hot chocolate. In the meantime, if you haven’t read Stephanie Coontz’ recent piece in the Washington Post, “Gay marriage isn’t revolutionary. It’s just next,” go do so. “For

Back on Tuesday

My son’s school starts next week, so I’m taking today and Monday off from blogging in order to do all those back-to-school things that need to be done—including, I imagine, a marathon Lego session with said son. (Not that that really has to do with going back to school, but it’s quality time together to

Become a Fan

I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and move all Mombian Facebook goodness over to a Fan page. The Mombian Group has been growing strong—over 260 members at last count—but a Fan page makes a few things easier to manage for me. So: Even if you’re a member of the Group already, please click the

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