Books for Parents


I’m Proud to #ReadWithLove on #ReadAcrossAmericaDay

I launched my Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books, Media, and More because I’ve seen the power that representation can have, both in my own family and with other LGBTQ families and LGBTQ youth. That’s why I’m also proud to join PFLAG in their new #ReadWithLove campaign supporting the freedom to learn for all students. Here’s a roundup of some pieces I’ve written recently on the topic, and a bit more about the campaign.

The Gender Identity Guide for Parents

“The Gender Identity Guide for Parents” Offers Advice for ALL Parents

A thoughtful and practical new guide is intended to help all parents understand gender identity and expression, have healthy conversations with their children about gender, and create an affirming environment, whether their children are transgender, cisgender, nonbinary, gender expansive, or questioning.

Ashes to Ink - Affliction

Two Memoirs Offer Two Looks at Children of Gay Dads in the 1970s

Two memoirs published this year by grown children of gay dads both start just a few years after the Stonewall Riots. In one, the author’s parents divorced after her dad came out; in the other, her parents stayed together for decades more. Each shows us the pervasive blight of homophobia and reminds us of the many ways that queer parents and our children have navigated what it means to be a family.

Queer Stepfamilies: The Path to Social and Legal Recognition

“Queer Stepfamilies” Shows “Our Families Exist”

Much previous research on queer parents and our children has focused on intact queer families (mostly with gay male or lesbian parents) formed through adoption or assisted reproduction, including surrogacy. Less attention has been paid to queer families formed when one or both parents had children from a previous relationship of any kind, or had started their family as a single parent before partnering. A new book on queer stepfamilies helps to remedy that.

How We Do Family

“How We Do Family” Is a Memoir and Parenting Guide for All

Part memoir and part parenting guide, the new book by diversity educator and speaker Trystan Reese manages to tell a story that is specific to his experience as a gay, transgender dad, while offering universal advice on parenting, relationships, and more.

Picture books with transgender and/or nonbinary characters

25 Recent Picture Books with Transgender and Nonbinary Characters

Today is the Transgender Day of Visibility, so I’m celebrating by rounding up 25 (!) picture books with transgender and/or nonbinary characters that have been published in 2020 and 2021 alone. (I’ll also show you how to find older trans-inclusive kids’ books and ones for and about trans parents.)

I Wish My Father - Lesléa Newman

Lesléa Newman Writes of Her Aging Father in Her Latest Book of Poems

Lesléa Newman may be best known to readers here as the author of Heather Has Two Mommies and other children’s books. She is also, however, an award-winning poet, and her latest volume of poetry for adults is a wise and loving look at her father in the last years of his life.

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