Blogging Events

Less Than a Week Until Blogging for LGBT Families Day

A gentle reminder that it’s now less than a week until Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Full details are here; the short version is: blog in support of LGBT families on or before June 2, and send me the link. I’m already starting to see some posts trickle in; I’ll start posting the links on […]

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 27

Helen and I do a special Mother’s Day vlog in response to a viewer request about our decision to become parents. What made me finally break down and decide to have a child? Why did we choose the method we did? Was our cat really involved in the selection of our sperm donor? And what

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2008

The third annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day is fast approaching on June 2. Bloggers of all orientations and identities are invited to post about LGBT families that day or shortly beforehand, and then to notify me (see below) so I can compile and showcase the posts. I know many readers write about LGBT families

Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day Is June 2

It’s almost that time of year again, so mark your calendars now. The third annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day is coming up on Monday, June 2. (Yes, I’ve held it on the 1st in previous years, but it seemed best not to do it on a Sunday, a low-traffic day in the blogosphere.) Last

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 6

In this edition of our weekly video blog, brought to you in partnership with After Ellen, my partner Helen and I offer a few specific ideas and some general advice for parents and others buying gifts for children over the holidays. Plus: tattoos of your children’s names, regendered dolls, and sparkly boas! Online Videos by

Domestic Partnering in the New Year

I’m bringing you a guest post today by Beren DeMotier, author of The Brides of March, a memoir of the brief period of legal marriage for same-sex couples in Multnomah County, Oregon. (I reviewed it in June.) Her piece below continues the tale as she ponders the upcoming legalization of domestic partnerships in the Beaver

And Now a Word from Our Allies

Tonight begins the first of Seven Straight Nights for Civil Rights, a coordinated campaign of overnight vigils led by straight allies across the nation who will “come out” as supporters of equal rights for LGBT Americans. Atticus Circle and Soulforce are organizing the events, important opportunities to show that support for LGBT rights extends beyond

Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Non-Bio Moms

Continuing the highlights from Blogging for LGBT Families Day, here are some posts about being a non-bio mom. (Other non-bio moms contributed posts, but didn’t write about being a non-bio mom this time, so I’m including them elsewhere.) I urge you to read the full posts of which these extracts offer a mere taste.

Blogging for LGBT Families Day: From the Children, Now Grown

One of the great joys for me in this year’s Blogging for LGBT Families Day was that there was an increase in the number of posts by those who grew up in LGBT families. Many thanks to COLAGE for helping to spread the word about the event among their members. In my experience, LGBT parents

Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Varied Perspectives

I want to start my roundup of Blogging for LGBT Families Day posts by sharing a few perspectives that really made me think about the variety of our experiences. Clare at An MSW in Cambodia tells us the story of Karen Atala, a Chilean parent whose children were taken away by the court because she

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