Books for Parents

1700+ books and more. The Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books

Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books Hits Milestone of 1,700+ Entries

At a time when representation matters more than ever, I’m proud to announce that the Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books now has more than 1,700 entries, with about 300 added in the past year and 100 since June. Search and filter by topic and identity, and read my in-depth reviews!

5 New Books to Support Transgender Youth in Schools and Beyond

5 New Books to Support Transgender Youth in School and Beyond

Five books out this year offer invaluable resources for educators and others seeking to support transgender and gender nonconforming students and make schools places where children of all gender identities may learn and flourish.

Special Topics in Being a Parent

A Must-Read Book for All Parents, Queer and Otherwise

If you read only one book on how to parent, make it S. Bear Bergman’s brilliant new Special Topics in Being a Parent: A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I’ve Learned About Parenting, Mostly the Hard Way. It will be a rare person of any identity who doesn’t gain something useful from the wise, judgment-free, gently humorous, and delightfully illustrated volume.

4 New LGBTQ Parenting Books

4 New LGBTQ Parenting Books

Kids aren’t the only ones getting great new LGBTQ-inclusive books! Four new LGBTQ parenting books—two on supporting trans children and two on being queer parents—offer useful insights and guidance from a variety of perspectives.

Your Postpartum Body

New Book on Postpartum Healing Is for All Who Have Been Pregnant

During pregnancy, a body changes dramatically. Access to postpartum health care, however, can be inconsistent, with little evidence-based information available to help guide people in their recovery, according to a new book aimed at providing just that—a book for “every postpartum human,” including trans and nonbinary people and people whose pregnancies did not end in parenthood.

Early lesbian parenting books

Inspiration from 5 Early Lesbian Parenting Books

In honor of Lesbian Visibility Day, here are some inspiring quotes from lesbian parenting books published in the 1980s through early 2000s. While these books are in many ways outdated, they still convey something of the spirit and long history of lesbian parenthood, and are reminders of those on whose shoulders we stand.

1500+ Items in the Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books

Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books Hits Milestone of 1500+ Entries

Even as children’s books with LGBTQ representation continue to be banned, more and more continue to be published. I’m thrilled to announce that the Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books now has more than 1500 items in it, with nearly 300 added in the past year. Search and filter for what you want, and read my in-depth reviews!

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