Money and Finance

Corporate Political Donations, LGBT Friendliness, and Our Consumer Choices

Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, has been helping former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney raise money for his presidential bid. (Queerty pointed me to the original New York Times article.) Romney, as many of you know, is actively opposed to same-sex marriage. Last October, he even spoke at a rally of the virulently homophobic Family Research […]

Carnival of Bent Attractions

It’s time for the January Carnival of Bent Attractions! This month’s posts ranged from personal to political, sobering to sarcastic. They introduce us to others in the community and ask us to look at ourselves. I’ve included a few posts that weren’t technically submitted to the Carnival, but which I (or Maria, the Carnival’s Ãœber-mistress)

Check Your Charities

Many of us are making last-minute charitable donations before the end of the year. The following sites can help you review information about your intended charities to ensure your money is being spent wisely: Charity Navigator is my favorite such service. It provides ratings for organizational efficiency, organizational capacity (ability to sustain efforts), and a

On Things Dismal and Gay

Two items of news today caught my eye: Pope Benedict XVI referred to arguments for recognition of same-sex relationships as “dismal theories.” The New York Blade recapped a UCLA study (cited in my Weekly Political Roundup last week) claiming “New Jersey florists, caterers, hotels and other businesses would bring in more than $100 million in

Holiday Shopping Deadline

For all you last-minute shoppers out there: Today is the last day to get free Super Saver Shipping on items at and still have your items arrive by Friday, December 22. (That’s the last night of Hanukkah and the last business day before Christmas.)

Software for Stay-at-Home Parents

I had it good when I was employed outside the home. The latest word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation programs. Integrated e-mail and calendaring, with the ability to share events and track attendees. Anti-virus software I didn’t need to re-purchase every year. Once I started staying home with my son, however, the party stopped. There were

The LGBT Dollar Wins Elections

An article in Salon last week claimed “There is a gay agenda — winning elections.” It’s a heartening look at the impact wealthy LGBT Americans had on the 2006 mid-term vote. “They turned the 2006 election into an object lesson in targeted giving that could fundamentally change the way politicians think about the consequences of

Money, Marriage, and Happiness

When Nina interviewed me for Queercents a few weeks ago, one of the questions she asked was “Does money buy happiness?” I answered “no,” though admitted that money can sometimes facilitate the things in which one finds happiness. Turns out I was wrong. According to economist Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick, “There is

Reciprocal Membership at Children’s Museums

I’m visiting Boston with partner and son on a house-hunting trip. We took a break today, however, to go to the Boston Children’s Museum—and got in free, thanks to a Reciprocal Membership I’d bought at our local Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum. The Reciprocal Membership Program, sponsored by the Association of Children’s Museums, gives free admission to

The Cost of College: Cheaper for the Rich?

“For the wealthy with lots of financial assets, college costs less than it used to. For those who depend on their jobs for income, the opposite is true.” That’s the conclusion of the College Board, a research firm, as reported in Saturday’s New York Times. When expressed as weeks of pay needed to finance four

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