Money and Finance

Charitable Deductions Warm You Twice

It’s tax day here in the U.S. My spouse Helen has a new post up at Queercents, in which she looks at how to maximize your tax deduction if you make charitable contributions. Never too late to start planning for the coming year, I say. She also explains how the current lack of federal recognition […]

What Do You Dislike Most About Tax Time?

Complete the sentence (leave a comment): The thing I dislike most about tax time is . . . Me? Checking that damn “Single” box, when I’m not. Followed closely by the income tax Helen pays on the health insurance coverage that her company provides to me, and the lack of spousal IRA contributions for same-sex

She Got Me Blogging

I’ve lured her to the dark side. My spouse Helen, whom some of you know from our “She Got Me Pregnant” vlogs, has started blogging. It all began when she launched a side business, Affine Financial Services, to do tax preparation and financial planning. She started putting up regular tips on her Web site, decided

How the First Amendment Works

“If [an LGBT-inclusive hate crimes law] passes, you will still be able to call me a faggot. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re in the banking industry, however.” —Congressman Barney Frank, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, speaking at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund luncheon today

What Are Your Best Baby Gear Ideas?

Nina over at Queercents is adopting a baby in December, and wrote today about her meltdown at Babies R Us and her concerns about what to get for her new arrival. She was kind enough to mention that she found my list of baby gear recommendations useful. I wrote the list a few years back,

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 24

This week, Helen and I remind viewers of the long-lost parenting storyline on Jackie Warner’s Work Out. We also commemorate tax week with a rant on our own filings, and on a more positive note, discuss various approaches to children’s allowances and why we don’t have any answers. Plus: What were those weird pipes in

IRA’s Raise My Ire

HRC is celebrating tax season with their “7 Days to a Better Financial You” campaign, and kicks it off with the video of two lesbian moms talking about the financial difficulties of raising children under the unfair burdens faced by same-sex couples. HRC hits the high points here, but doesn’t discuss the fact that it

We’re Here, We’re Queer, We File Every Year

H&R Block’s TaxCut Online software doesn’t support tax filings for civil union couples, as two Connecticut men have found out. The ACLU has sent a demand letter to the company asking it to change its system. The ACLU also states “Although the tax requirements for couples with civil unions in Connecticut are very similar to

Wells Fargo Shareholders: Vote Against LGBT Discrimination

If you happen to own shares of Wells Fargo, make sure to open the proxy statement you should have received recently, and take the time to vote your proxy. Item 9, “Stockholder Proposal Regarding Neutral Sexual Orientation Employment Policy” (pages 105-107) is a vicious, anti-LGBT proposal asking the company to create an equal opportunity policy

Scholarships for Students with LGBTQ Parents

I rarely pass along a press release wholesale, but this one from COLAGE, about scholarships for children of LGBTQ families, seemed worthy: Sponsored by COLAGE with generous support from the Horizons Foundation Joseph Towner Fund COLAGE is pleased to announce a continued partnership with Horizons Foundation to award four $1,000 scholarships to support the undergraduate

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