Money and Finance

Weekend Reading

A few highlights of note from mainstream media: In “A Reason to Take the Early Bus Home,” Michael Winerip of the New York Times last week profiled two gay dads in Montclair, New Jersey. It’s nice to see dads getting coverage—when mainstream media does cover LGBT parenting, it’s most often about us moms. Having said […]

The Costs of Infertility

Nina at Queercents wrote today about her and her partner’s struggle to get pregnant. She discusses the costs, both financial and emotional, and the interplay between the two. Worth a read if you’re dealing with infertility yourself or know others who are. On a related note, reports on the overuse of intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Want Your Children to Earn More? Teach Them Self-Esteem

Teenagers and young adults with higher self-esteem earn more money in middle age than those with less confidence, concluded a study from the University of Florida. Not surprisingly, a privileged upbringing and parents who are professionals also lead to higher salaries—but only in the presence of self-confidence. “It is surprising to see what little positive

Student Loans: Should You Consolidate?

A lot of my posts here are aimed at parents of young tots, so here’s one for you folks with older children, or those not long out of higher education yourselves. The Christian Science Monitor just published a lengthy article on student-loan consolidation, offering advice on what to consider and highlighting some recent changes in

A Walk Through the Education Sections

A bevy of interesting articles in the past few days: The Christian Science Monitor examines proposed changes to the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As lawmakers debate its reauthorization, they are considering whether the evaluation of schools should emphasize progress, rather than merely achieving certain goals. Across the pond, educators in the U.K.

Paying Children for Grades

Would you pay your child $100 for making the honor roll? Or $20 for each A? Some parents swear by monetary grade incentives, reports the Hartford Courant. Others say the practice sends the wrong message, and the good behavior will disappear if the reward does. They also worry it may cause parents to ignore the

Tax Benefits of Being a Parent

Allison Einbinder of Queercents has written an informative post on the tax benefits of being a parent. Did you know that if you finalized an adoption in 2006, you may be eligible for an adoption credit of $10,960 for the 2006 tax year? Or that you can deduct expenses such as temporary storage of both

Wimbledon Equalizes Prize Money for Women

All women competitors will now receive the same prize money as their male peers in the Wimbledon Championships, the All England Club announced today. This leaves the French Open as the only tennis Grand Slam without prize equity throughout the tournament, although it offers the same money to the men’s and women’s champions. This is

Queercents Launches Money Mondays Tax Tips

The team at the Queercents personal-finance blog has just announced the launch of a weekly tax-time series called Money Mondays: In ten weekly articles, Allison Einbinder will help LGBT readers navigate the intricate tax world with topics ranging from hiring a tax professional to planning for retirement. The articles aim to provide guidance with clear

National Center for Lesbian Rights Launches Family Protection Project

Low-income, same-sex parent families may soon have an easier time finding family-law services geared to their needs. The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) launched its Family Protection Project this week, which aims to “help low-income LGBT parents protect their relationships with their children by increasing and improving the capacity of legal services organizations and

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