
Where Can You “Marry Gay”?

While you’re waiting to see if the California Supreme Court is going to announce their opinion filing on Prop 8 today, as rumored (with the actual announcement coming tomorrow), check out Can I Marry Gay?, a simple but brilliant little Web app that lets you see if the state you’re in will let you and […]

Five Years Later: Proof Positive

May 17, 2004: The first legal marriages of same-sex couples in Massachusetts. Still locust-free here in the Bay State.

Make Way for Lesbian Swans

The city of Boston today celebrates the Nineteenth Annual Return of the Swans to the Public Garden, the park captured in the childhood classic Make Way for Ducklings. A parade will be held in their honor as the swan pair, Romeo and Juliet, return to the Garden from their winter home at a nearby zoo.

Shakespeare on Lesbians

Today marks the traditional observance of Shakespeare’s birthday. In honor of the Bard, therefore, I give you two lesbianish quotes. The first is from his gender-mix-up comedy Twelfth Night. Viola, disguised as a man, comments upon the Countess Olivia: She made good view of me; indeed, so much That methought her eyes had lost her

The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America

Out magazine just published their third annual list of “The Power 50: The Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America,” which means it’s time for my third annual list of The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America. The definition of “power” is subjective, of course. For the purposes of this list, I considered it

The Taste of Victory

Just so you know I meant it: I did indeed make a maple cornbread to celebrate the two great states of Vermont and Iowa. (Click link for recipe.) And it was delicious.

The Connecticut Catholic Conference’s Misplaced Advocacy

Saturday’s Hartford Courant reports: Concerned that the state’s new same-sex marriage law would infringe on religious liberties, the Connecticut Catholic Conference today proposed some broad exemptions which it believes are necessary to protect those rights. The law does not require Catholic priests—or any other clergy member—to preside over same-sex weddings. However, the church is seeking

What Ben and Jerry’s Flavor Means Equality?

Vermont may soon enact marriage equality, according to television station WCAX. When I think of Vermont, I think of two things first: maple syrup and Ben and Jerry’s. The question then arises: If you were to suggest a new flavor for Ben and Jerry’s to celebrate equality in their state, what would it be? I’m

Gay Penguin Dads Wed

At the end of last year, I mentioned a pair of male penguins at a zoo in China who had been stealing other couples’ eggs until zookeepers gave them their own. They have become known as the zoo’s best penguin parents. Now, the helpful zookeepers have decided the two birds should formalize their union. They

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