Health and Safety

Birth control pills

Why the Supreme Court Decision on Birth Control Is a Queer Issue

The only time I’ve ever been on birth control was when my spouse and I were trying to have a child. This just goes to show the variety of ways that birth control is used—and why the Supreme Court’s recent decision allowing more employers to refuse to cover it is very much a queer issue.

Coronavirus - rainbow overlay

Coping and Caring: LGBTQ Families in the Time of COVID-19

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic that is shaking our world, I spoke with several different LGBTQ families recently to see how they’re handling the crisis, what their challenges are, and where they’re finding strength.

Egg and sperm

COVID-19 Pauses Family Building for Many LGBTQ People

Nina Willbach and her wife, a Philadelphia couple, have been trying to get pregnant since last June via assisted insemination. On March 13th, they were told that their most recent attempt didn’t work—and they couldn’t try again because COVID-19 had put a stop to “elective procedures” in Pennsylvania. “I know a lot of folks are going through much worse right now, but it feels like a big blow when every month counts and we’ve had this many no’s,” Willbach told me in an online message. They’re not the only ones to have family-making plans halted during the pandemic.

NASA astronaut Anne McClain relaxes with an electronic tablet on a Sunday morning inside the vestibule that connects the Unity module to the Zarya module.

Tips for Living in a Confined Space – from an Out NASA Astronaut

NASA Astronaut Anne McClain has spent 204 days in orbit, sharing tight quarters with other astronauts. In a recent post, she shared some tips for living in confined spaces—good advice right now as so many of us are holed up at home because of COVID-19.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS

How to Educate Yourself and Your Kids About Coronavirus

Kids are full of questions. And with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the news and impacting our lives via closures, cancellations, and shortages (and more rarely, by the disease itself), they’re bound to have questions about it, whether expressed or not. I’m not an expert on the disease or on child psychology, but I’ve rounded up some articles with information from those who are, so that we parents can educate ourselves and better support our children in age-appropriate ways. I’ve also included some resources aimed directly at young kids themselves.

No Name-Calling Week

10 LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books for No Name-Calling Week

It’s GLSEN’s annual No Name-Calling Week, a time dedicated to ending name-calling and bullying in schools. We parents, of course, can also have an impact on stopping such behaviors and supporting those who have been the subject of them. Here some LGBTQ-inclusive picture books that involve name calling and that may be useful for parents of young children to read and discuss with our kids.

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