Health and Safety

MLK Statue

Kids, Race, and Racism: Readings and Resources for MLK Day and All Year

Once again, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I’m posting a revised list of resources for talking with kids about the holiday and about race and racism in general all year ’round. Here are some sites and articles I’ve found thought provoking, from a variety of perspectives.

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day 2019: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS. Even in the fourth decade of its existence, the disease continues to shatter lives and decimate communities.

Designing a Better, LGBTQ-Inclusive, Speculum

Many of us have experienced them in our doctor’s office: a speculum is cold, awkward, and sometimes anxiety-producing and painful. A team of designers is working to improve both the speculum and the entire pelvic exam process, however, and to do so in a way inclusive of women, transgender men, and nonbinary patients who need them.


Fighting the Trump Administration’s Discriminatory “Denial of Care” Rule

LGBTQ and reproductive rights advocates are in court today to fight a Trump administration rule that allows health care workers to refuse to provide medical services that violate their religious or moral beliefs. They argue that the rule is unlawful and permits discrimination against LGBTQ people and our families, among others.

Reproductive Rights Are Queer Rights

The recent move by Alabama that criminalizes abortions from the moment of conception brings troubling concerns in many areas, including assisted reproduction, even for those who want to gestate a child.

IV bag

HHS Rule Allows Religious Discrimination in Health Care

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has finalized a new rule that will allow health care workers to refuse to provide or assist in providing medical services if doing so violates their religious or moral beliefs. In other words, it will allow them to discriminate widely—putting LGBTQ people and our families, among others, at risk.

GLSEN Day of Silence

Break the Silence

Today marks the Day of Silence, when many students from middle school to college choose not to speak, in order to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment. Doing so feels ever more necessary, even though this past week saw some progress towards addressing the issue.

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