Health and Safety

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS, especially since our current president, in his proclamation for the day, has refused to specify any of the communities disproportionately affected by the disease.

Know Your Classmates

Know Your Classmates Day Works to Bridge Differences in Middle School

Following right after yesterday’s anti-bullying Spirit Day is the synergistic National Know Your Classmates Day, an initiative aimed at ending social isolation, nurturing healthy relationships, and addressing fear of differences among middle school students. Over 850 schools across the country are taking part this year.

Spirit Day

Spirit Day: More Important Than Ever

It’s Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to speak out against anti-LGBTQ bullying and stand with LGBTQ youth, who disproportionately face bullying and harassment. At a time when our nation’s leader is setting an example of how to bully, events like these—and the actions they can inspire all year long—are more critical than ever before.

The Best States for LGBTQ Families

A new report from a major philanthropic foundation looks at “state trends in child well-being.” Families with LGBTQ members, however, will likely want to cross-reference it with some LGBTQ-specific studies if they want to determine the best state for them.

Pulse Nightclub sign. Photo by Dana Rudolph

Of Hate and Hope: Explaining the Pulse Massacre to My Son

I wrote this last year for my newspaper column, shortly after the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that killed 49 mostly LatinX, LGBTQ young people. One year later, to #HonorThemWithAction, I thought I should post it here.

When I learned of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, my own son was in elementary school, and I was shaken to the core. He is in middle school now, and the Orlando massacre has shaken me again. The victims this time were not young children—but they were all someone’s children.

Polka Dots

Talking Sex and Gender with Our Kids

(This post is sponsored by AMAZE.)

As a lesbian mom, I’ve encountered two potential pitfalls in talking with my son about sex and gender.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Kids, Race, and Racism: Readings and Resources

Once again, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I’m posting a revised and expanded list of resources for talking with kids about the holiday and about race and racism in general.

AIDS Ribbon

World Aids Day: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS.

Spirit Day

Stand Against Bullying, Today and Every Day

Today is GLAAD’s annual Spirit Day, a time to take a stand against bullying and show support for LGBTQ youth. In this election year, it is doubly important to show that we do not condone bullying behavior.

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