
Post-Holiday Haiku

I’ll start the year on a light note, with a bit of post-season haiku: Spouse is back to work Son is still awash in toys Legos underfoot And reflecting on some of the year-end political news: Oregon waylaid New Hampshire civilized now Trip to Uruguay? Feel free to leave your own contributions in the comments.

Happy New Year!

All the best for the new year to all of you and your families! (‘Fess up now, those of you with infants and toddlers: How many of you dressed them as Baby New Year yesterday, if only so you could send the photo to relatives? I’ll admit to doing so when my son was still

Don We Now Our . . . Oh, You Know

A very merry Christmas to those of you celebrating it this week. Posting will be light for a few days, as we’ll be doing some celebrating of our own here at Mombian HQ. I also suspect many of you will be busy assembling train sets and dollhouses and searching for extra D-cell batteries and dealing

Last-Minute Gift Ideas

Yes, we’re parents, and we’re busy. That’s reason enough to be stuck with last-minute shopping. Here are a few ideas to get you through. I’ve stuck with gifts for grown-ups (though some may work for kids, too), since children have usually told us way in advance what they want, and any parent celebrating Christmas who

That’s Not a Grinch, It’s a Stressed-Out Lesbian

If you’re feeling a bit Grinch-like this holiday season, you’re not alone. More lesbian adults (80%) than straight women (64%) say they feel stressed around the holidays, according to a new survey (PDF link) by Harris Interactive and Witeck-Combs. Half (51%) of the lesbians surveyed said they tend to feel depressed around the holidays, versus

Easy “Gingerbread” Houses for Kids

If you’re looking for an easy kids’ project for a snow day or just for the holidays, try a “gingerbread” house make of graham crackers. It’s become one of my favorite seasonal activities, either for my son and I or for a playdate (where I put together the base houses in advance). Make up a

Butch-Femme Holiday Gift Question

OK, my ever-insightful readers: Which of the following items best represents an amalgam of butch-femme, a perfect gift for the keep-’em-guessing lesbian: The Swiss Army Knife in a pink floral pattern or the KitchenAid Mixer with the flame detailing? Other suggestions welcome.

New England Hanukkah

I’m Jewish, but we were never a very observant family. I am, however, what I’ve heard called a “culinary Jew,” which means I have a fondness (and occasional mad cravings) for certain foods of my heritage. I whipped up a bunch of latkes today when my brother and his wife came over to exchange holiday

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 6

In this edition of our weekly video blog, brought to you in partnership with After Ellen, my partner Helen and I offer a few specific ideas and some general advice for parents and others buying gifts for children over the holidays. Plus: tattoos of your children’s names, regendered dolls, and sparkly boas! Online Videos by

LGBT-Inclusive Children’s Gifts

(Originally published in Bay Windows, November 29, 2007.) Looking to find children’s gifts inclusive of LGBT families? Try some of these books and videos from 2007: For Young Children We Belong Together: A Book About Adoption and Families, by Todd Parr (Little, Brown Young Readers: 2007), showcases families of many configurations. Paired phrases like “We

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