
Mombian Shop Updated for the Holidays

I’ve updated the Mombian Shop with more recommendations for LGBT-friendly children’s books, books about LGBT parenting, and some general children’s books and music I like. There are also links to automatically generated lists of baby products, household goods, tools, toys, and more—making it easy to do all your holiday shopping. I do get a fee […]

Happy Hanukkah!

A very happy first night of Hanukkah to those of you observing it. If your family comes from multiple traditions, like mine, then I wish you joy as you make latkes in the shape of Christmas trees, or do whatever you do to honor and celebrate your interwoven diversity in this season of miracles and

Yes, We’ve Heard the Turkey Baster Jokes

For those of you observing Thanksgiving this week, here’s wishing you and your families a very happy time. Don’t let the extended family get on your nerves—just show them these cute Orka basters from Target (via Amazon), and tell them you hope using the right color will influence the gender of your next child. See

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today marks the 9th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, “set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.” The event organizers explain: The event honors Rita Hester, whose murder in 1998 kicked off the “Remembering Our Dead” web project and a San Francisco candlelight vigil in 1999. Since then, the

Lesbian Mom Holiday Recipe Exchange

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us here in the U.S., so I thought it might be fun for us to share some recipes for that or other upcoming holidays. Leave a comment here or post on your own blog and leave the link. Recipes from non-lesbians and non-moms welcome, too. For my own contribution, I’ll offer

Parents and Children, Coming Out Together

Today is National Coming Out Day. Most of us who are LGBT have stories to tell—good, bad, exciting, or boring—about our own coming out. It’s something of a relationship marker, in fact. I know I’ve reached a certain level of friendship with someone when we start telling each other our coming out tales. Being a

Blog Action Day 2007

October 15 is Blog Action Day, a time for bloggers to unite in support of one issue for a single day. This year, the theme is “The Environment.” The event is similar in structure to the Blogging for LGBT Families Day I’ve held for the past two years in June. Just blog about the topic

Halloween Music Ideas from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us today’s guest post, the second of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music. Look for them on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links to Amazon for the full albums (click the album image or name), plus links

And the Banned Played On

Today marks the start of Banned Books Week, a celebration of the freedom to read. This week, LGBT families have a particular reason to observe the event. Children’s storybook And Tango Makes Three, based on a true story about two male penguins who adopt an abandoned egg, tops the American Library Association’s list of “10

Who Are Your LGBT Heroes?

October kicks off GLBT History Month, which is similar to GLBT Pride Month in June, but with fewer parades and more educational content.* Equality Forum, the coordinator of this intellectual celebration, has selected 31 GLBT “Icons” to feature during the month, one per day. It’s not meant to be an exclusive list, but rather to

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