Kids’ Activities

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 24

This week, Helen and I remind viewers of the long-lost parenting storyline on Jackie Warner’s Work Out. We also commemorate tax week with a rant on our own filings, and on a more positive note, discuss various approaches to children’s allowances and why we don’t have any answers. Plus: What were those weird pipes in […]

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 21

Helen and I urge viewers to submit names of LGBT moms for the “America’s Favorite Mom” contest, and share an easy kids’ activity that could keep you from spending $25 in a toy store. Helen then gets on her soapbox telling politicians a few “things your mama should have taught you.” Plus pirates, matzo meal,

LGBT Family Vacations

I’m still sitting here in my sweater near Boston, but I’m sure summer will be here before I know it. Here are a couple of events that look ahead to warmer times: The MEGA Family Project in Georgia is holding its annual MEGA Family Vacation July 25 to 27, at Tybee Island. You can register

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 19

Helen and I blind you with science this week as we demonstrate a bunch of experiments and explorations for kids. Watch us use marshmallows, blue gooey stuff, really long words to describe peanut butter, and gummi bears like you’ve never seen them before (including one variation just for adults). We also point out the very

Two Moms and Ten Thousand LEGOs

Fifty years ago today, Ole Kirk Christansen received approval for his patent of the original LEGO brick, as Boing Boing reminds us. We’re huge fans of the plastic pieces around our house. LEGOs were one of the formative toys of my childhood, especially after my brother brought home several paper grocery bags full of them

Product Review: New Games from Cranium

The prolific Cranium game company has launched a new line of games for preschoolers, Cranium Bloom. I recently had the opportunity to review two of them: Count and Cook and the Seek and Find Let’s Go to the Zoo puzzle. (Helen and I covered them in our latest vlog, but if you prefer text, read

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode Nine

In this edition of our weekly video blog, brought to you in partnership with After Ellen, Helen and I look at the low-tech but still entertaining world of board games. We review two brand-spanking new kids’ games from Cranium, including one that works for all types of family configurations. We also recommend a bevy of

Easy “Gingerbread” Houses for Kids

If you’re looking for an easy kids’ project for a snow day or just for the holidays, try a “gingerbread” house make of graham crackers. It’s become one of my favorite seasonal activities, either for my son and I or for a playdate (where I put together the base houses in advance). Make up a

Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: PVC Hubble

As many of you know, my partner Helen and I have a fondness for making toys from PVC pipes. We’ve done a PVC pipe construction set, a rain stick and even a wild musical pipe set that at least one reader has copied to great success. Today, I wanted to assure you that we’re not

Book Review: The Daring Book for Girls

The Daring Book for Girls, by Andrea J. Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz, is the distaff version of the bestselling The Dangerous Book for Boys by Conn and Hal Iggulden. Like its male version, The Daring Book is a throwback to the children’s encyclopedias and magazines of old, full of games, activities, and bits of information

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