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Techno Knitting

I admit it; I love things that take traditional domestic activities and update them with a techno twist. I laughed at the giant excavator knitting project a few weeks ago, but was even more intrigued by KnitWit, “intelligent” knitting needles that detect needle movement and automatically count stitches and rows. This isn’t just technology for […]



When my son was an infant, I enjoyed making baby food purees for him. Here are a few tips from my experience.

More from the Butch/Femme Ambiguity Files

Artist Dave Cole has opened a new performance art piece at Mass MOCA, consisting of two construction excavators bearing 20-foot-long knitting needles. He will use them to knit an American flag over the course of the next several days.

Summer Eats

For those of you struggling to find yummy summer recipes, check out Epicurious’ special “Serving Up Summer” section. From oven-free meals to ideas for picnics, entertaining, and eco-friendly cooking, there’s a lot here to whet your appetite.

Family Week

There’s just over a month now until the 10th Annual Provincetown Family Week. The week-long festivities are organized by the Family Pride Coalition, and include a variety of activities for children and adults, both fun and informative. Further information and registration is available online. On a political note, Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family

Gardening Tip

It’s the season for gardens. Before you plant, get your soil tested. Many universities provide this service free of charge. Do a Google search for "soil testing name-of-your-nearby-university" (inserting the appropriate name) to find information.

Animal Cams

Delight your kids (and maybe even yourself) with live-action animal cams from some of the best institutions in the U.S. The Animal Cams from the National Zoo in Washington, DC show you what the elephants, giraffes, gorillas, pandas, and other animals are doing right now. (Sometimes the answer is "staying off camera," so you may

Power Tools and Baby Wipes

For the butch/femme in all of us: Homemade Baby Wipes using large shop tools. (Thanks to MAKE for the original sighting.)

USB Drive, You’re the One

Those of you missing your little ones while at the office can capture the bathtime feeling with an iDuck USB flash drive, suitable for storing MP3’s of "The Wheels on the Bus" or photos of your clan. It’s shaped like the classic yellow fellow and comes in any one of six color variations.

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