Reflections on Parenthood

The Amazing Race: Lesbian Mom Edition

CBS’s The Amazing Race will feature a lesbian couple for the first time when it starts its new season November 4, reports After Ellen. The couple, 49-year-old Kate Lewis and 65-year-old Pat Hendrickson, are both Episcopalian ministers, and should be fun to watch, especially as they compete against couples half their age and a pair […]

Heart hands

A Parenting Manifesto

RebelDad is calling upon people to write parenting manifestos of 500 words or less. (Thanks to ParentHacks and Republic of T for the heads up.) Here’s mine, a work in progress.

Irrational Exshoeberance

We bought our son a new pair of sneakers over the weekend. He’s moved up a size, and this means we no longer shop on the baby/toddler wall of our local Stride-Rite. We’ve moved up to the big-boy wall. I’m inordinately proud. Silly, isn’t it? He’s done nothing more than grow. I’m going to be

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