
Words from Mrs. King

I posted this quote from Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King, Jr., last year at this time, but I think it bears repeating. Mrs. King was speaking at Lambda Legal’s 25th Anniversary Luncheon in 1998: As Martin once said, ‘We are all tied together in a single garment of destiny… an inescapable network […]

And Now a Word from Our Allies

Tonight begins the first of Seven Straight Nights for Civil Rights, a coordinated campaign of overnight vigils led by straight allies across the nation who will “come out” as supporters of equal rights for LGBT Americans. Atticus Circle and Soulforce are organizing the events, important opportunities to show that support for LGBT rights extends beyond

Add LGBT Voices to New Parenting Encyclopedia Babblepedia

Parenting megasite Babble has just launched Babblepedia, a Wikipedia-like “Encyclopedia of Parenting Knowledge” that “anyone can edit.” It’s a great idea, though the usual cautions apply about doing your own thorough research before believing anything you read online. Here’s the action item: Go contribute to Babblepedia to make sure LGBT families are well represented. Many

Honoring Loving v. Virginia

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the historic U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down the remaining interracial marriage bans in 16 states in the U.S. I needn’t belabor the parallel between the struggle to end interracial-marriage bans and our current fight to legalize same-sex marriage—most readers here know it all too

Evaluating Schools: Levels of Inclusion

I’ve been evaluating preschools for my son over the past few weeks. As part of my discussions with teachers and administrators, I always mention that we’re a two-mom family, and ask “Is this going to be a problem for anyone here?” I don’t expect anyone would ever come right out and say “yes”—we’re in a

And Now a Word from Our Allies

A few recent words from non-LGBT parents about LGBT families: Actor Sarah Jessica Parker says her four-year-old son has been asking her what it means to be gay, since the family has many gay friends. Parker explains: When talking around your child you have to think very carefully and you have to be prudent about

Children and Race

What can you learn about race from a seven-year-old? Rachel at Alas, a blog explores this question based on her own experience, and it’s worth a read. If you’re a multi-racial family, you may find immediate resonances. Even if you’re not, however, it will give you a lot to ponder in terms of how our

Book Reviews: “Ryan’s Mom Is Tall” and Others by Heather Jopling

I’m always happy when I find new authors who have written books featuring LGBT families. I’m also happy when I find strong straight allies of the LGBT community. Canadian Heather Jopling is both—though in fact, “ally” is too weak a term. She is the author of Ryan’s Mom is Tall, Monika’s Papa Is Tall, and

Bringing Parents’ Rights and LGBT Rights Together

I didn’t write my Bay Windows column for this week with International Women’s Day in mind, but it seems appropriate nonetheless. It explores the need for “Mothers’ Rights” and “LGBT Rights” groups to come together in support of all families. “Mothers’ rights,” defined as better workplace policies, childcare options, and children’s health insurance, touch fathers

Interview with Anne S. Wynne of Atticus Circle

Straight allies are an invaluable component of the struggle for LGBT equality. Anne S. Wynne is the founder of Atticus Circle, an organization that educates and mobilizes straight allies in support of equal rights for LGBT Americans and our families. Anne agreed to answer some questions about her organization for Mombian’s interview series. Below, she

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