
Honda Commercial with Gay Dads

Honda must have noticed that Subaru’s marketing to the LGBT community was paying off. In this recent commercial, two men and a young boy get out of a car, ready to head to the beach. Sure, they could be a dad and an uncle, but I’d prefer to think they’re both dads, especially with the […]


LGBT Families on Public Television: the Time Has Come

Amidst all the talk of potential progress for LGBT rights under President Obama, one opportunity has made few headlines: the prospect of more LGBT inclusive children’s programming on public television. Talk with almost any LGBT parent, and they will bemoan the dearth of LGBT families in children’s media. There is a clear need—and a new

Kiddie Consumers

Thanks to Nina at Queercents for pointing out an article from Best Life magazine about kids and consumerism, subtitled: “How to thwart the $17 billion marketing effort to steal your kids’ dreams, hijack their imaginations, make them obese, and drive a wedge into their relationship with you.” Yikes. It’s enough to make one move to

Lesbian Mom Could Be Only Out CEO of Major Firm

Susan Arnold, who just stepped down as vice chair and president of global business units at Proctor & Gamble, could become the only out CEO of a FORTUNE 500 firm, and the 16th woman in such a role. She would also be the first lesbian mom. She and her partner have two teenage children. Not

Are You a Subaru Lezzie or a Truck-Driving Dyke?

LGBT car-shopper site is conducting a major survey of LGBT auto owners. Publisher Joe LaMuraglia told me they’re looking for more women to participate, however: “We want to make sure that the Lesbian voice is counted. We’ll be presenting this data to all the major car companies and they are really interested. We need

Bank Ad Shows Transgender Inclusiveness

This isn’t exactly parenting related, but I found it too touching not to blog. Argentina’s Banco Provincia has released an ad featuring a transgender woman. Her neighbor sees how well the bank has treated her, comes to realize his bigotry, and apologizes for his past behavior. It’s tremendously moving, and groundbreaking for an ad that

Live from New York

I’ve spent Inauguration Day in transit between Boston and New York in preparation for my keynote at the Working Mother “L-Moms and Allies Breakfast,” catching most of the ceremony in the departure lounge. I wrote up my thoughts for now-President Obama a few days ago, though, so I am therefore taking today just to revel

Proof that Homosexuality Harms Kids

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the attacks on Campbell’s Soup by the American Family Association, after the soup company produced a series of ads featuring two lesbian moms and ran them in the Advocate. Now, the AFA is urging its supporters to see if their children’s schools participate in Campbell’s 30-year-old “Labels for

Google, YouTube, and Sperm Donation

What do Google, YouTube, and sperm donation have in common? The founders of the blockbuster Internet companies, along with Sherron Mills, the founder of Pacific Reproductive Services, a lesbian fertility clinic and sperm bank, were recently named top San Francisco innovators by 7×7 magazine. Read more about it at (You can also read my

Working Mother L-Moms Breakfast in New York

I’ve been graciously invited by Working Mother magazine to give the keynote speech at their first-ever L-Moms & Allies Breakfast on January 21 in New York City. If you live in the greater New York City area, you are more than welcome to attend. I’d love to meet you there. The only catch is that

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