Politics and Law

Stop the “Marriage Protection Amendment”

The Human Rights Campaign is asking people to write to their members of Congress and urge them not to cosponsor or vote for the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” a renamed version of the “Federal Marriage Amendment” defeated in 2004. They explain: This week, the American Family Association alerted their members to expect a vote in the […]

Three Quotes

Three quotes to signify yesterday: From last night’s State of the Union address: Yet many Americans, especially parents, still have deep concerns about the direction of our culture, and the health of our most basic institutions. They’re concerned about unethical conduct by public officials, and discouraged by activist courts that try to redefine marriage. –

State of the Union with an L Word Chaser

President Bush delivers his fifth State of the Union address tonight, with TV coverage scheduled from 9-11 p. m., EST. Luckily, last Sunday’s episode of The L Word is rebroadcast from 11 p. m.-12 a. m. Kind of like a nice glass of cold water after eating something I don’t like. (I know, I don’t

LGBT Political Roundup

Washington today became the 17th state to ban discrimination towards LGBT people. Kudos to those who worked so hard to have this bill passed. In other political news this week, a Maryland circuit court ruled that denying marriage to same-sex couples is unconstitutional under the state constitution. It’s unclear what will happen as this ruling

Military Marriages of Convenience: Ah, the Sanctity!

Marketplace today reported on a growing trend in the U. S. military: marriages of convenience between servicemembers wanting the additional pay and benefits that come with marital status, and civilians wanting the extensive health benefits of military spouses. Ah, the sanctity of straight marriage. (I’ll ignore, for the moment, what this says about the healthcare system

Non-Bio Moms Who Have Lost Custody

One of my readers has asked about resources for non-bio moms who have lost custody or had their children taken by bio moms. The National Center for Lesbian Rights has published a list of cases involving custody rights, not all of which ruled favorably towards the non-bio mom. They also report on a decision by

Attending the White House Egg Roll

The Family Pride Coalition is encouraging all LGBT families to attend the annual White House Egg Roll on April 17, 2006. Hundreds of families attend every year, and Family Pride wants ours to be among them. They will provide non-political t-shirts to identify participants as LGBT families. If you think you might attend, it’s worth

Politics and Programming

I’ve been doing a bit of redesign on this site lately, as you may notice if you’re not using a feedreader. At this point, I’m just cleaning up a few odds and ends. I’d hoped to do a more extensive overhaul, but have run into some of the dreaded browser-compatibility problems that plague all Web

Same-Sex Couples in UK Can Now Adopt

Some good news to end the year: Same-sex couples (and heterosexual, non-married couples) in the UK are now legally able to adopt children or become co-parents through in-vitro fertilization. The Adoption and Children Act also gives parents who gave up children for adoption the right to try and trace their children, and to be put

Family Pride Guide

The Family Pride Coalition is now offering a free Family Pride Guide: A Guide to Talking With Your Child about Political Attacks on Our Families. Their goal is to help LGBT parents talk with their children about media coverage of LGBT issues, some of which may be negative. They offer suggestions on creating a home

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