Politics and Law

Election Results: Win Some, Lose Some

A brief political roundup for election week: Yesterday, Texas voters approved a measure placing an amendment in the Texas Bill of Rights defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman. It is unclear whether the language of the amendment would also ban other legal ties between same-sex partners, a similar conundrum to […]

Follow-up on Non-Bio Moms in Washington

The Seattle Times has a good editorial reinforcing what I said in my previous post about the recent Washington state ruling that gives a non-bio mom the right to seek parental rights. The key point: This dispute could have been avoided if the Washington Legislature had given the two women the ability to get married.

New Non-Bio Mom Rights in Washington; Necessary but Not Sufficient

The Washingon State Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a non-bio mom who raised a child with her partner from birth to age 6 can seek rights as a “de facto parent,” the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. This is certainly better than a ruling to the contrary, but doesn’t go as far as California’s August ruling that

American Girl’s Support of Girl’s Inc. Draws Fire

A Catholic school near Milwaukee has banned a fashion show put on by American Girl, Mattel’s popular brand of historical dolls, because of the company’s financial support of Girls, Inc. Girls Inc. offers a variety of programs for helping girls develop their self esteem, providing resources on topics such as leadership, science, sports, money management,

Newsflash: Same-Sex Parents Similar to Straight Ones

Another from the “But we knew that” department: The San Antonio Express-News has a good article today profiling two families, one with lesbian parents, one with straight, and showing they are more alike than different. Joking aside, it’s a timely piece, given the upcoming Texas vote (November 8) on a proposed constitutional amendment that would

GLBT Community Reaction to New Supreme Court Nominee

As many of you are by now aware, President Bush today named Judge Samuel Alito as his next nominee to the Supreme Court, replacing Harriet Miers. Here’s what the Human Rights Campaign and Lambda Legal have to say about the choice, seeing Alito as a choice of the far right and raising a number of

Periods, Brain Activity, and a Female President

Posted on my Salty Snack science and technology blog: Periods, Brain Activity, and a Female President, a note about some recent research on our favorite (!) monthly event.

Rosa Parks Has Died

Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks has died of natural causes at age 92. As we continue to fight for civil rights for all, may we not forget those who have gone before us.

Lambda Families of NJ 5th Biennial GLBT Family Conference

This coming Saturday, October 22, Lambda Families of NJ is hosting their 5th Biennial GLBT Family Conference at Montclair State College. It is a chance both to learn and socialize with other LGBT-headed families. There are workshops for parents, those planning on becoming parents, kids 8 to 11 years old, and kids 12 and over.

Same-Sex Marriage Suits and DP Insurance in New York

The Albany, New York regional state appellate court heard arguments Monday in three same-sex marriage suits, including one challenging the constitutionality of New York state marriage law. Regardless of the outcome, however, New York’s top court, the Court of Appeals, will ultimately give the final ruling on same-sex marriage. (Is it just me, or does

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