Weekly Political Roundup

Weekly Political Roundup

Republicans may not be able to count on the support of evangelical Christians to the extent they have done, the New York Times reports, saying “There is an undercurrent of concern that some evangelicals, unhappy that the GOP-led Congress and President Bush haven’t paid more attention to gay marriage and other ‘values’ issues, may stay […]

Weekly Political Roundup

An anti-LGBT group in Illinois has abandoned its efforts to place a referendum about same-sex marriage on the ballot this November. They did not collect enough signatures, and failed in a court challenge. In Shreveport, Louisiana, three of nine gay and lesbian activists were taken into custody after attempting to enlist at a U. S.

Weekly Political Roundup

Posting late today. “Nap” has become a four-letter word around our house, and it’s hard to blog with a three-year-old running around wanting to play forest ranger. Karl Rove’s stepdad, with whom he had a “close relationship” is gay, a new book claims. Yes, that Karl Rove, who used same-sex marriage to mobilize the conservative

Weekly Political Roundup

The student body of Uniformed Services University (USU), the Department of Defense health sciences university, this week voted for an openly gay student council president. Patrick M. High will represent graduate students at the school, who include uniformed armed services’ personnel. (Thanks, Nico.) As reported here earlier, the Alabama Democratic Party reinstated out lesbian Patricia

Weekly Political Roundup

A lengthy roundup this week, so I’ll put most of it after the jump. Read on for news about Alabama, Arizona, California, and Washington, as well as Australia, Canada, South Africa, and Sweden.

Weekly Political Roundup

In federal news, the Pension Protection Act signed into law by President Bush includes two provisions extending important financial protections to same-sex couples as well as other Americans. Across the U. S., LGBT activists have begun a “Right to Serve” campaign, trying to enlist at military recruiting offices and staging sit-ins if they are rejected.

Weekly Political Roundup

San Francisco Catholic Charities (SFCC) has followed an earlier move by Boston Catholic Charities and shut down their adoption services, so they don’t have to place children with lesbian and gay couples. Unlike their East Coast counterparts, however, they will partner with another agency, California Kids Connection, to which they will refer prospective adoptive parents,

Weekly Political Roundup

This week’s headliner was the unfortunate Washington marriage ruling, about which I wrote earlier. It’s on to the legislature for our friends in the West. In other news: In politically relevant religious news, the Episcopalian Bishop of Arkansas has endorsed “blessing ceremonies” for same-sex couples. He notes that no formal rites exist for such ceremonies,

Weekly Political Update

The U. S. House of Representatives defeated a proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. The Senate had earlier done the same, making the House vote purely political. Indeed, Republicans are already promising to use Democrats’ opposition to the amendment as fodder for this fall’s congressional elections. By a slim margin, Patricia Todd (D) appears to

Weekly Political Update

A busy week in the LGBT political arena: Five straight couples in Arizona are suing to block the state’s proposed ban on same-sex marriage, saying the bill would invalidate their domestic partnerships as well. They’re using the same argument that marriage-equality supporters in Georgia used unsuccessfully a few weeks ago, claiming that the bill violates

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