
Kids Pay the Price (Movement Advancement Project)

Watch the Video on Adoption Discrimination that Fox News Found “Too Powerful”

It’s no secret to most readers here that so-called “religious freedom” laws on adoption and foster care in several states are nothing more than permission to discriminate—often against LGBTQ prospective parents and LGBTQ youth, among others. The ultimate effect is that child welfare agencies are allowed to act in ways contrary to the best interests of the children in their care. When a leading LGBTQ equality think tank tried to place a 30-second ad about this on Fox News, however, the network refused to air it.

Black and White

In the Wake of Charlottesville

As a child, there were two things I thought were unfathomable and absolutely morally wrong: nuclear war and Nazis. To see both in the news again as real threats to our country sickens and appalls me. But while nuclear war felt like a broad threat against all humanity, Nazism felt more personal. It was hate largely directed against a group—Jews—of which I was part. (It was only later in life that I added “queer” to that list as well.)


A Christian Lesbian Mom Writes of Faith and Family

Religion and LGBTQ people are often portrayed as oil and water—not surprising, given the religious motivation of many anti-LGBTQ bigots. One lesbian mom, however, has recently written of how her Christian faith gives her strength as a lesbian and a mother.

Tallit and yarmulke

Mazel Tov to My Son

On Saturday, my son became a bar mitzvah, taking on the mantle of Jewish adulthood. I couldn’t be prouder—and I couldn’t be more thankful for the family and friends who came together to support him.


Tomorrow’s Post Will Be Preempted by my Son’s Bar Mitzvah

I’m about to be the mother of a teenager. A little event we’re having for the occasion on Saturday means I’m going to be too busy actually parenting to be writing about parenting for the next couple of days. Hope you understand.

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