
Enough Already!

Lesbian mom? Split up? Fine, things didn’t work out, but don’t go trying to pretend your former partner and co-parent wasn’t a parent. There’s entirely too much of that going around. The Salt Lake City Weekly just reported on Gena Edvalson and Jana Dickson, who are in exactly this situation. Dickson is the bio mom,

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Lesbian Mom’s Rights

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court today declined to hear the case of “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, letting stand a ruling that Virginia must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Miller’s former civil-union partner Janet Jenkins. This is the same case that Newsweek covered this week as well. Best wishes to six-year-old

Florida, Adoption and Why Marriage isn’t Enough

In my latest article for, I discuss the Florida adoption ruling and the sometimes fuzzy connections between parental rights and marriage rights. If you’re following the Florida case, you might also be interested in the video that the ACLU made about the plaintiff family. After the jump:

Cynthia Nixon on Marriage Equality and Stepparenting

It’s been a weekend of protests for the LGBT community. The New York Times, among other places covered them, as did most LGBT news channels. Pick your favorite; I won’t list them all here. Instead, I’m going to highlight the interview that actor and lesbian mom Cynthia Nixon did on Friday with Joy Behar, who

Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruling on Lesbians and Donor Semen

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court today refused to hear a case “that would have had far-reaching implications for lesbians and single women choosing to bear children,” according to law professor Nancy Polikoff, author of Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law. The case involves a Kansas woman whose sperm donor

Kentucky Forbids Same-Sex Stepparents

The Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled this week that adoptions by stepparents are allowed only when the stepparent is married to the child’s biological parent. In a catch-22, same-sex stepparents cannot therefore adopt because Kentucky has a constitutional amendment banning marriage of same-sex couples. The ruling holds regardless of whether the person was involved in

Marriage and Parenthood: A Talk with Nancy Polikoff

(Originally published in Bay Windows (PDF link), July 24, 2008) For many same-sex couples, one of the primary motivations for getting married is to gain legal protections for our children. Nancy Polikoff, professor of law at American University Washington College of Law, cautions us, however, that we should not tie parenthood and marriage too tightly.

Federal Benefits for Children of Same-Sex Parents

The U.S. Department of Justice ruled Tuesday that the Social Security Administration must recognize the children of same-sex couples, including their relationship with non-biological parents, even though the federal Defense of Marriage Act prevents the government from recognizing or providing benefits to those couples. The opinion was offered in the case of a minor child

Virginia Upholds Non-Bio Lesbian Mom’s Rights

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled today that the state must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Janet Jenkins, a non-biological lesbian mom locked in a custody battle with her former partner, Lisa Miller. The Court rejected Miller’s claim that Virginia law and a state constitutional amendment against same-sex unions (including ones from

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