
Rhode Island map and hands

Rhode Island Bill Seeks to Simplify Confirmatory Adoptions

Rhode Island legislators yesterday heard testimony in support of a bill that would streamline the process of confirmatory adoptions, ensuring that more LGBTQ families have access to this unfortunately necessary tool for protecting our legal ties to our children.


Pennsylvania Court Denies Nonbio Mom Parentage

A Pennsylvania court has denied a nonbiological mother parental rights to the child she and her former spouse, the biological mother, had planned and created together. It is the second recent case in the U.S. to do so.

Baby hand

Oklahoma Grants Parentage to Sperm Donor Over Nonbiological Mom

In a case with horrible implications for LGBTQ families, an Oklahoma judge has ruled that a married, nonbiological mom has no parental rights to the child she and her wife created and were raising together, but the couple’s sperm donor does. Here’s what happened, and what other same-sex couples need to do to protect their own families.

Lego minifigs holding wedding bouquets

Respect for Marriage Act Passes Congress, But Queer Families Still Need Protections

The Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) has passed the U.S. House and now heads to President Joe Biden for his signature. The RMA is important legislation that clarifies rights and protections for same-sex and interracial marriages—but does not guarantee that all states will continue to let same-sex couples marry. It also does not remove the need for many LGBTQ parents to take additional steps to secure their legal parentage.


New Online Tool to Help Protect and Support LGBTQ Families

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, ongoing attacks on transgender children and youth, and more than 300 anti-LGBTQ state bills introduced in 2022, Family Equality has launched a new online tool to help families wondering what to do.

Polly Crozier, senior staff attorney at GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), and Julie Gonen, federal policy director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR),

How LGBTQ Parents Can Protect Their Families After Dobbs

How can LGBTQ families best protect themselves after the Dobbs decision? Polly Crozier, senior staff attorney at GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), and Julie Gonen, federal policy director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), shared their thoughts with me.

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