Calls for Participation


College Students with LGBTQ Parents Wanted

I’m posting a call to participate in a study about college students who have LGBTQ parents but are not LGBTQ themselves. I’m not involved in it myself, and don’t know the researcher, but heard of this through reputable channels. Please pass along as you see fit!

LGBTQ Parents Needed for Study: Massachusetts and Texas

Kate Henley Averett, a graduate student in sociology at the University of Texas, is seeking LGBTQ parents for a study of parenting philosophies and practices. At the moment, she says at her Web site: I am looking for LGBTQ couples in Massachusetts and Texas who are parents of children ages 10 and under to be

Wanted: Teens with LGBT Parents

Posting another academic study request, this time for research on teens with LGB parents. This one has a personal tone for me, not because I have teens (my son is six), but because I’ve interviewed the lead researcher, Abbie Goldberg, about her latest book on LGBT parents and on some earlier research about lesbian and

LGBT Family Study – Help Wanted

Passing along this request for LGBT families to take part in a short online survey. I don’t know the researchers myself, but blogger and LGBT activist Helen Boyd of en | Gender, who also teaches at Lawrence University, vouches for the professors and students involved. If you have a few minutes, please help them out!

Gay Family Foundation Seeking LGBT Parents for Study

Passing along this information about a new study of LGBT parents, sponsored by the Gay Family Foundation. Please contact Melissa Noyes, as indicated at the bottom of the announcement, for more details or to participate. Melissa is working on this research project in fulfillment of her Masters in Public Health degree from The George Washington

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