Assisted Reproduction

Egg and sperm

Help Public Radio Reporter with Story on DIY Insemination

I’m passing along this request from a reporter with WNYC, New York Public Radio. He’s doing a story on methods of lesbian and gay conception over the years, and is looking for people to share their stories.

Egg and sperm

Genetic Ties for Both Same-Sex Parents? Not for Moms

It’s been all over the news for the past few days: a discovery that within two years, could allow “same-sex parents” to both be genetically connected to their child. Most news outlets have neglected to mention one small fact, however: It will likely only work for two dads, not two moms.

Zak's Safari

Now Available: Picture Book for Donor-Conceived Kids of Two Moms

I wrote at the beginning of November about an effort to publish Zak’s Safari: A Story about Donor-Conceived Kids of Two-Mom Families, a book for and about donor-conceived kids of two moms. I’m happy to report that (perhaps thanks to many of you) it’s been funded and the book is now available on Amazon.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

It’s time for another roundup of LGBTQ parenting news! Here are a few of the stories I haven’t covered already.

Egg and sperm

Most Lesbian Moms Satisfied with Type of Sperm Donor

The majority of lesbian moms who conceived through donor insemination are satisfied with their choice of a known, unknown, or open-identity (child may contact when 18) donor, according to new research based on the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS), the longest-running and largest study of U.S. lesbian families.

Black and White

Mistaken Sperm, Harmful Racism

As a mother who used a sperm bank to start my family, and as someone who works in my day job for a program that addresses racial inequities, among others, I feel compelled to write about a disconcerting lawsuit that has been making headlines: That of a lesbian mother suing a sperm bank for sending her the wrong sperm — something she discovered only after she was pregnant. The added complication is that much of the lawsuit revolves around the fact that the donor is Black, while she and her partner are White, and had chosen a White donor.

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