Foster Parenting


Action Alert: Less Than Two Days Left to Tell HHS Not to Implement Discrimination Rule

There are less than two days left to tell the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) why you oppose a new rule that will allow health care providers to refuse a wide range of medical services to patients if furnishing them violates the providers’ religious or moral beliefs. The new rule “weaponizes” HHS’ Office of Civil Rights against LGBTQ people, people living with HIV, and many others, says Lambda Legal. Here’s how to add your voice in opposition to it.

Rainbow Flag

U.K. Celebrates LGBT Fostering and Adoption Week

It’s LGBT Fostering and Adoption Week in the U.K., so even though I’m based in the U.S., it seemed a good time to share some information about the event, along with stories and resources about fostering and adoption.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

A mixed bag of news this time, with a few big wins, one legislative loss, and two library battles, among other news.

Bryn Esplin and Fatma Marouf

Lesbian Couple Sues HHS After Being Blocked from Fostering Refugee Child

When spouses Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin wanted to become foster parents for a refugee child, they were told by the child services agency that they could not apply because their family structure did not “mirror the Holy Family.” Now, they’re suing the agency’s parent organization, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the funder of its program to place refugee children, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Fighting for Children Against Religious Exemption Laws

As a growing number of states allow child welfare agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ prospective foster and adoptive parents and LGBTQ youth in care, a new campaign is fighting back—but it needs our help and our stories.

The F Word

Queer Foster Parent Series Aims for Second Season

The two moms who gave us a glimpse into their foster-to-adopt journey this fall want to bring us a second season of their video series, looking more broadly at the world of foster care.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

For your Friday enjoyment—a few stories from round and about on the adventure that is LGBTQ parenting.

Happy almost-weekend, all!

Kids Pay the Price (Movement Advancement Project)

Watch the Video on Adoption Discrimination that Fox News Found “Too Powerful”

It’s no secret to most readers here that so-called “religious freedom” laws on adoption and foster care in several states are nothing more than permission to discriminate—often against LGBTQ prospective parents and LGBTQ youth, among others. The ultimate effect is that child welfare agencies are allowed to act in ways contrary to the best interests of the children in their care. When a leading LGBTQ equality think tank tried to place a 30-second ad about this on Fox News, however, the network refused to air it.

The F Word

New PBS Series Follows Queer Couple Adopting from Foster Care

Nicole and Kristan want to start a family, and they’re taking us along on the journey as they venture into the world of foster-to-adopt care, facing the emotional and sometimes funny challenges of bureaucracy, childproofing, and patience. Watch a trailer.

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