Happy All-idays!

A diverse community of families celebrates various December/January holidays in this cheery, rhyming board book. A two-dad family celebrates Christmas; a two-mom one observes Hanukkah. One that appears to have a dad and grandparents celebrates Kwanzaa, while a single dad and son have both a tree and a menorah for a “Happy, Merry Chrismukkah!” and a mom-dad family wishes everyone “Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!” At the end, the entire community gathers in joy to exchange gifts, food, and “Happy ALL-idays” greetings.

There’s little to indicate exactly what each of the holidays is about, but for the youngest tots, it may be enough to learn that different families celebrate different (but equally valid) holidays. For older children, adults may want to add some explanation (particularly that “Chrismukkah” isn’t really a holiday and that some bicultural families celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah separately, not as a mashup).

One of the Jewish moms wears a kippah, a cap traditionally only worn by men, but now commonly also worn by women in Reform and other congregations.

Simple in concept, but a nice start for further conversations.





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