Jacob’s Room to Choose

The book is a sequel of sorts to Sarah and Ian Hoffman’s 2014 book, Jacob’s New Dress, about a gender creative boy who wants to wear a dress to school—a reflection of the Hoffman’s own gender nonconforming child. In the latest book, Jacob, who is White and wearing a dress, wants to use the boys’ restroom at school. His friend Sophie, who is Black and wearing khaki pants and a button-down shirt, wants to use the girls’. They are each chased out by other students. When their teacher learns of this, she initiates a discussion of gender expression with the whole class. When it comes to bathroom use, she prompts the children, “I wonder if there is another way?”

The children themselves come up with a solution, deciding that anyone should be able to use any bathroom, and making a variety of signs to indicate this. The story ends with Jacob and Sophie happily using the relabeled facilities. The unfortunate reality, though, is that not all schools will be as quick to make change as Jacob and Sophie’s—but perhaps this little book with its cheerful illustrations and creative kids will offer a model for some schools, at least, to follow.






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