Look at Me: a celebration of self, playfulness, and exploration

Children of various genders and gender expressions share the clothes, hairstyles, and accessories in which they feel comfortable (or not) in this warm and affirming book. “Purses and patent leather make me feel glamorous,” says one, for example, while another says, “I don’t want to feel glamorous.” Children who read as boys and girls share their common love of suits; children who read as boys show their love of nail polish and skirts. Some children don’t like certain clothes because they are cold or itchy; others dress up in their parents’ clothes, regardless of gender. Some want long hair; others short, while one prefers a colorful wig and two others have no hair. One child wants to wear “everything”; another to live someplace warm where they can be “naked all the time.”

The characters communicate their diverse opinions directly to readers, offering examples and language to help readers to do the same. This simple book should provide lots of opportunities for discussion among children and their adults about clothing, appearance, gender, and individuality.

The children and their families reflect a range of skin tones and family types, including families with two moms or two dads.





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