Loving the YOU That You Are

Each spread of this rhyming poem shows parents expressing their imaginings of what their child could be, such as, “Will you feel like yourself when called he, she, or they?/Will pants, skirts, or both fill your closet one day?” Other parents wonder where their children will live, what career they will have, if they will find joy regardless of physical abilities, what their political and social views might be, whether they’ll marry, and even if they’ll be parents themselves one day. Notably, they even wonder what their children’s religious or spiritual beliefs might be, a rare acknowledgment that they could be different from the parents’ own.

No matter what, the book concludes, “I will never stop loving the YOU that you are.”

Two-mom and two-dad families (and other queer-ish looking parents) are among those shown, as is a gender-creative child in a tutu who reads as a boy. Characters are diverse in racial/ethnic identities.





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