
In this standalone sequel to their award-winning novel Melissa (originally released as George), Alex Gino shifts perspective to that of another boy in Melissa’s world. Rick is best friends with Jeff, whom readers may recognize as the bully from Melissa. Rick isn’t a bully himself, but he’s never really questioned Jeff’s attitudes until now. Middle school means changes, however, and Rick becomes increasingly uncomfortable with Jeff’s anti-LGBTQ remarks. Additionally, all of the other kids seem to be getting crushes, but Rick has never had a crush on anyone. What is he?

His questions lead him to his school’s Rainbow Spectrum club, where he meets Melissa and other students with a variety of LGBTQIAP+ identities. Here, he first learns of the word “asexual,” and begins to wonder if it applies to him. He begins hanging out with the kids from Rainbow Spectrum more, and keeping his attendance secret from Jeff—but how long can he keep these two worlds separate, especially when Jeff is continuing his anti-LGBTQ actions?

Gino keeps the focus on Rick’s self-discovery while also weaving in a lot of information about LGBTQIAP+ identities in general. To us adults, the latter material may verge on pedantic, but I think Gino is skilled enough to keep it just shy of that—and for many young readers, this will be vital new information that they may not have learned anywhere else. I won’t complain. I also like that the teacher who advises the Rainbow Spectrum initially uses the older phrase “preferred pronouns,” before being corrected by a student. Language evolves, generation to generation, and we older folks often have something to learn. A secondary plot involves the relationship between Rick and his grandfather, whom he feels understands him better than his father does.

Sweet and positive (despite Jeff’s anti-LGBTQ behavior), showing the power of queer community and allyship at a transitional moment of a young person’s life.

Rick is White; secondary characters have a variety of racial/ethnic identities.




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