Wednesday Wilson Gets Down to Business (Wednesday Wilson #1)

Wednesday Wilson wants to be an entrepreneur. In chatty, first-person chapters, she shares with readers the plans she’s working on with her best friend Charlie and her little brother Mister. An incident with “the four Emmas” (whose last initials spell “M.E.A.N.”), a bearded dragon, and a piece of kale threatens to derail her plans, however—but it also just might be the secret to fame and fortune. Wednesday just might discover, however, that the path to success isn’t as simple as it might seem.

Wednesday is mixed race and has two moms, one Black and one White, but their family structure isn’t the focus of the book. Indeed, in the first chapter, Wednesday explains, “I have two moms (a mom and a mum, to be precise), which is confusing for some people but not when they get to know me. Some people ask which one is my real mom, because I’m mixed race and I don’t look exactly like either one of them. Lately I’ve stopped answering, because clearly they’re both real! And really, it’s no one’s business, right?”

Wednesday also wears a button-down shirt and tie, offering gender creative representation as well.

A fun and cheery start to an early chapter book series.

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