Who Was David Bowie? (Who Was?)

Part of the Who Was series, this is a good biography of Bowie for those ready for something a little more substantial than the picture-book biographies, but still at a reasonably easy reading level—I’m categorizing it as both an Early Reader and a Middle Grade title. After an introduction to Bowie at his live 1972 Top of the Pops concert, the book rolls back to his childhood, early influences, and rise to fame. While the book is not clear about his bisexuality, and only mentions his romantic relationships with women, it does say that during the 1972 concert, “Some people were uncomfortable. They weren’t used to seeing men wearing makeup on television. They also didn’t like that David was hugging another man [his guitarist, Mick Ronson].” Additionally, it notes that for one of his album covers, he wanted to wear a dress that was “very much” him, but that record executives nixed the idea.

The book also explains that at one point in his life, “he began experimenting with drugs in new and dangerous ways,” but that he took steps to get better.

A solid biography of the singer, although as coy as he himself was about his sexuality.






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