Milestones in U.S. LGBTQ Parenting History

Some key moments in modern LGBTQ parenting history.

This is not intended to be a comprehensive look at LGBTQ parenting history, just a brief list of some interesting and celebratory firsts and milestones from the U.S. For more on the history of LGBTQ families, see the Remembering LGBTQ Families page.


The lesbian organization Daughters of Bilitis holds the first known discussion groups on lesbian motherhood.


Bill Jones, a gay man, becomes the first single father to adopt a child in California and among the first nationally.


Formation of the first lesbian mothers’ activist group, the Lesbian Mothers Union.


That Certain Summer, the first television movie to depict a gay dad, airs on ABC, starring Hal Holbrook as a dad who comes out to his teenage son, and Martin Sheen as his partner. Scott Jacoby, who played the son, won a Best Supporting Actor Emmy.


A Colorado court issues the country’s first known opinion involving a transgender parent, upholding his right to retain child custody.


A New Jersey superior court judge rules that a father’s sexual orientation is not in itself a reason to deny him child visitation, the first time a U.S. court has acknowledged the constitutional rights of gay fathers.


Several lesbian mothers and friends in Seattle form the Lesbian Mothers National Defense Fund to help lesbian mothers in custody disputes.


Washington, D.C. becomes first jurisdiction in the country to prohibit judges from making custody decisions based solely on sexual orientation.


Lawyers Donna Hitchens and Roberta Achtenberg in San Francisco form the Lesbian Rights Project (LRP), which evolves into the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), still helping LGBTQ parents (and others) today.


The Washington Supreme Court issues the country’s first custody ruling in favor of a lesbian couple (Sandy Schuster and Madeleine Isaacson of the 1973 film above).


New York becomes the first state to say it will not reject adoption applicants solely because of “homosexuality.”


A gay couple in California becomes the first same-sex couple known to have jointly adopted a child.


The Gay Fathers Coalition forms—a precursor to Family Equality, the national organization for LGBTQ parents and their children.


 Jane Severance’s When Megan Went Away becomes the first picture book in the U.S. to show a lesbian relationship and the first to show LGBTQ parents.


The Sperm Bank of California begins operations, the first in the country to serve lesbian couples and single women.


A court for the first time allows a non-gestational mother to adopt the biological child of her female partner. The ruling, in Alaska, also allows the biological father to maintain a relationship with the child.


A group of youth with LGBTQ parents meets at a conference organized by a precursor to Family Equality, and begins the organizing that in 1999 leads to Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) as an independent national organization.


Author Lesléa Newman self-publishes Heather Has Two Mommies, the first children’s book in the U.S. to show a two-mom couple planning and raising a child together.


The Newsweek article, “The Future of Gay America,” includes the first documented use of the term “gayby boom” to describe the rise in lesbians and gay men having children.


Donna Hitchens of the Lesbian Rights Project becomes the first out lesbian (and lesbian mom) to hold a judicial position, with her election to the San Francisco Superior Court.


LGBTQ publisher Alyson Publications launches the Alyson Wonderland imprint for childrens’ titles. It publishes Daddy’s Roommate, by Michael Willhoite, the first children’s book published in the U.S. to depict gay male parents, and mass produces Heather Has Two Mommies.


Vermont and Massachusetts began allowing same-sex couples to adopt jointly statewide.


The San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Parents Association produces Both of My Moms Names Are Judy: Children of Lesbians and Gays Speak Out, the first educational film for elementary school teachers about LGBTQ families.


Deborah Batts becomes the first out LGBTQ (and LGBTQ parent) federal judge.


A state’s highest court (Wisconsin) rules for the first time that a nonbiological mother may try and show that it would be in the best interests of her child for her to remain in the child’s life after parental separation.


New Jersey makes it explicit in its adoption policy that same-sex couples may adopt jointly.


The PBS show Postcards from Buster airs the first depiction of a two-mom family in a television show for young children.


Marcus Ewert publishes 10,000 Dresses, the first children’s book to show a clearly transgender child.


President Obama revises hospital visitation rules so patients may designate their own visitors, including same-sex partners. He was motivated in part by the story of Janice Langbehn and her three children, who in 2007 were denied access to her dying partner and the children’s other mother, Lisa Pond. Langbehn in 2011 receives the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation’s second-highest civilian honor.


The U.S. State Department updates passport applications to say “Mother or Parent 1” and “Father or Parent 2” instead of just “Mother” and “Father.”


When President Obama announces his support for marriage equality, he explains that his daughters have friends with same-sex parents, and “I know it wouldn’t dawn on them that their friends’ parents should be treated differently.”


Universal Pictures’ ParaNorman gives us the first clear instance of an LGBTQ character in a mainstream film for children.


Svante Pääbo and Carolyn Bertozzi win Nobel Prizes in  Medicine/Physiology and Chemistry, respectively, the first out LGBTQ parents to do so.

(I have compiled these items from a number of sources, including my own reporting; special recognition goes to Carlos Ball’s The Right to Be Parents, Jaime Campbell Naidoo’s Rainbow Family Collections, and Daniel Winunwe Rivers’ Radical Relations: Lesbian Mothers, Gay Fathers, and Their Children in the United States Since World War II. Any errors remain my own.) I welcome additions to this list, though I prefer they be national “firsts,” rather than state-level ones, only to keep things manageable. Please contact me and provide links or citations.

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