Are Bisexuals Just Greedy?

First, let’s state upfront: This book isn’t just about bisexuals. Instead, it’s an informative but entertaining introduction to a range of topics about gender and sexuality, across the entire LGBTQIA spectrum. Award-winning, Emmy-nominated filmmaker (TransMilitary), speaker, and author Fiona Dawson uses questions like “Is Being Transgender the Same as Being Gay?” “Is Being Nonbinary Just Cool These Days?” and the titular inquiry to cover basic terminology, key concepts, and more for readers who may have little familiarity with all or part of the LGBTQIA community.

She also explores our society’s misconceptions and biases about LGBTQIA people. Among other questions, she asks, “Why Can’t I Love the Sinner but Hate the Sin?” to look at religion-based anti-LGBTQ bias; responds to “How Can I Keep My Kids Safe from Transgender and Gay People?” by showing there’s no danger to them simply because of someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation; and concludes with suggestions for “How Can I Be the Best Ally Ever?!” She digs into myths and realities about trans people in bathrooms and on sports teams, explains what all the fuss is about pronouns these days, looks at the history of queer people, and much more.

While the book is not, as I’ve said, entirely about being bisexual, it is informed by Dawson’s own identity as a cisgender, bisexual woman and her goal “to break the binary view of gender and sexuality with humor and ease.” Her light and often humorous touch, with plentiful examples from her own life and those of friends and family make this an engaging read. It’s a perfect book for burgeoning allies, including parents of LGBTQ kids, as well as educators, politicians, and others. It’s not a children’s book—there are some mildly explicit bits, which Dawson uses for illustrative and sometimes comedic effect—but at under 100 pages, it’s a great first read for grown-ups who want to learn more about the LGBTQIA people who are part of the world around them.

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