Lost Time

In this delightful graphic novel, twelve-year-old Evie gets lost in the Cretaceous period after a fight with her Mom and Mama and an accident with a time machine. She soon discovers an abandoned science base and befriends a baby pterosaur, whom she names Ada. Ada grows to full size as Evie learns to survive and realizes how much she misses her moms. Evie eventually makes a discovery that could be the key to returning home, but involves a trip across the world on Ada’s back, however, encountering other dinosaurs, storms, and setbacks. Will she succeed?

Author/illustrator Tas Mukanik throws in a few more twists along the way, which I won’t spoil, except to say that this is an early middle grade novel and all ends well. Mukanik blends hints of Jurassic Park, How to Train Your Dragon, and Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet to create an original adventure story with lively, bold artwork and a resourceful, kind protagonist. Evie is at that point in life where many young people think they don’t need their parents any more, only to realize that perhaps they do—while also demonstrating, as Evie does, that they’re more independent and skilled than parents sometimes give them credit for. Mukanik captures the balance well, while also throwing in some dynamic action sequences and challenges that keep the story moving.

Mukanik’s dinosaurs manage to be both reasonably realistic and adorable at the same time, and the relationship between Evie and Ada—with Evie providing all the dialog—is wonderfully sweet. Overall, it’s a highly recommended tale that should have wide appeal.

Evie and one mom have medium-brown skin and black hair; the other mom has dark brown skin and black hair.





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