Whatever Comes Tomorrow

We may not know what tomorrow brings, says this gently rhyming book about managing anxieties. We may encounter “changes that are scary, strange, or new”—but while we can’t always control what happens, we can learn to control ourselves.

One image shows a child getting a haircut. Their hair is short and blue; the hairdresser’s is purple, short on the sides and with a swoop on top. The text reads, “Tomorrow may bring chances to embrace your truest you.” The publisher has confirmed that the child is getting a “gender affirming haircut.” While this is not necessarily what the image conveys—we don’t know what gender the child was assigned at birth—children who are gender creative, nonbinary, or transgender may nevertheless recognize themselves here. I am tagging this book with a range of possible identities (so that potential readers can find it), although the specific identity intended isn’t clear. See in it what is meaningful to you.

An Author’s Note from Rebecca Gardyn Levington explains that she, too, worried a lot as a child, and still does as an adult, although she has found some strategies for helping to manage them. A final spread offers a number of “Tips for Managing Worries.”

Affirming and helpful.





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