Educational Videos for Younger Kids About LGBTQ Topics

Videos for the youngest children that explain LGBTQ-related topics such as family structure, gender, and more. See also LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Stories and Book Trailers. There are also several YouTubers making ongoing series of educational videos about LGBTQ topics for young children—and the full list of their videos is too long to show here, so I’m just […]

Videos for the youngest children that explain LGBTQ-related topics such as family structure, gender, and more. See also LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Stories and Book Trailers.

There are also several YouTubers making ongoing series of educational videos about LGBTQ topics for young children—and the full list of their videos is too long to show here, so I’m just sharing the links.

  • Pop ‘n’ Olly Learn: British actor Olly Pike explains LGBTQ identities and history in a fun and informative way.
  • Queer Kid Stuff: Lindsay Amer’s series explains concepts like “gay,” “gender,” and “privilege” to young children in a fun and informative way. Sometimes her explanations seem aimed a few years beyond the preschool age group her teddy bear sidekick seems to target, but her inclusivity and enthusiasm are catching. Parents may want to use these videos as a jumping-off point for their own discussions.
  • Sez Me: A gender-expansive and queer-positive Web video series for kids. The creation of Mor Erlich, it stars drag queen Charmin Ultra (Jeff Marras), along with a variety of child co-stars and animated news anchor Hello Yellow. The real comments and questions from the kids balance Charmin’s campiness and it all works, conveying ideas of acceptance without being preachy.
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