
A Decade Later

I’ve posted a similar version of this for a few years now, but it seems appropriate to do so again. In honor of all the victims of the tragedy of September 11 and its aftermath, their families, and their friends. I will always remember, as will many of us, where I was the morning of […]

In Memoriam

I posted this last year, but it seems appropriate to do so again. In honor of all the victims of the tragedy of September 11 and its aftermath, their families, and their friends. I will always remember, as will many of us, where I was the morning of September 11, 2001. A lucky change in

In Memoriam

In honor of all the victims of the tragedy of September 11 and its aftermath, their families, and their friends. I will always remember, as will many of us, where I was the morning of 9/11. A lucky change in job the day before kept me away from Ground Zero at the time of the

Pitbulls in Chapstick

I have a piece up today at 365gay.com titled Pitbulls in Chapstick, tying together some thoughts about parenthood, September 11, Sarah Palin, and lesbian moms. I can’t crosspost it here yet, but you can hop on over and give it a read. They have a few other great pieces up discussing September 11, too, including

In Memoriam

In honor of all the victims of the tragedy of September 11 and its aftermath, their families, and their friends. May we all work in whatever way we can for a safer, more peaceful world for our children.

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