american library association

Maurice Sendak Comes Out

Maurice Sendak, author of beloved children’s classics such as Where the Wild Things Are and In the Night Kitchen, has just come out. He revealed this in an interview with the New York Times in honor of his 80th birthday, which will be celebrated Monday by a benefit in Manhattan. Sendak has kept his sexuality […]

Opponents of Gay Guinea Pig Book Start to Organize

A few weeks ago I reported on the first challenge to Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, a children’s book featuring two gay guinea pigs who marry. Today, library director James LaRue, who wrote a sensitive, balanced response to the initial challenge, reports that a second patron has challenged the book and asked for its removal from the

More Details of Children’s Book Challenge

A patron at Douglas County Libraries in Colorado has submitted the first known challenge to Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, a children’s book by Massachusetts author Sarah Brannen that features two gay guinea pigs. In an e-mail to library director James LaRue on June 26, Parker, Colo., resident Anita Gohde formally asked that the book be removed

Guinea Pigs at Risk

Sometimes, I hate being right. It wasn’t a stretch of the imagination to foresee that the new storybook Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, by Sarah Brannen, would be a target for the right. I didn’t imagine they’d quote me while doing so, however. The conservative publication Town Hall just published the article “Librarians Against Censorship,” by Brent

Banned Books Week

The American Library Association (ALA) is sponsoring their 14th annual Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read, September 24-October 1, to remind Americans not to take intellectual freedom for granted. In observance of Banned Books Week, the ALA publishes a list of the most challenged books and authors of the previous year. A challenge

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