
Let’s Meet at BlogHer!

I’m heading off this week to the exceptionally awesome 10th Anniversary BlogHer Conference in San Jose, where I’ll be on a panel about “Mom Blogging: The Next 10 Years.” Will you be at the conference? Drop me a note and let’s meet up!

LGBT Parenting for Beginners

BlogHer Section Editor Melissa Ford (also of Stirrup Queens) recently asked me to write a piece for the BlogHer Absolute Beginners series, a “Crib Sheet” (love the name) about being the LGBT parent of an infant. I hope you’ll go have a read.

BlogHer Shoutouts

BlogHer ’11 has been over for more than a week now, but I went right from the conference to an extended vacation with my in-laws. They took all of us, plus my spouse’s siblings and their kids, on a cruise to Mexico (about which more later), but since I bled money every time I logged

See You at BlogHer!

I’m furiously packing to head off to the big BlogHer conference for women bloggers in San Diego this weekend. If any of you are going (other than Polly of Lesbian Dad and Vikki of Up Popped a Fox, whom I know will be there), drop me a note. I’d love to meet you! I’m also excited to meet my fellow

Going to BlogHer? Say Hi!

Hard to believe I’m talking about August already, but I’ll be speaking at the big BlogHer conference for women bloggers at the beginning of August in San Diego. If any of you are going, drop me a note. I’d love to meet you! I’ll be on the “Minding Your Own Business – When diversity is

Fear in the Locker Room: School Sports, Homophobia, and Transphobia

Rick Welts, president and chief executive of the NBA’s Phoenix Suns, has just come out as gay. It was a significant and risky move in an industry that is not known for its tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. (LA Laker star Kobe Bryant recently paid a $100,000 fine for calling a referee a “faggot.”) And as Megan Hueter has written here at BlogHer, women’s collegiate basketball suffers similar problems. Homophobia and transphobia in sports are not confined to the professional and collegiate levels, however.

BlogHer Call for Ideas

The women of BlogHer want your ideas! They are already beginning preparations for the 2009 national BlogHer conference in Chicago, and are asking people to submit themselves or others as speakers, or propose ideas for the kind of panels and content they’d like to see. Founder Elisa Camahort Page writes: BlogHer is passionate about delivering

BlogHer Boston Bonanza

I had a bloggeriffic time Saturday at the BlogHer Boston conference. The best part was networking with other women bloggers, some of whom had backgrounds very different from my own. I even went to a session on food blogging just for the heck of it. (I actually have a secret desire to be a food

Going to BlogHer Boston?

If you’re going to be at the BlogHer Boston conference this Saturday, please drop me a note so we can say hi! I’ll be on the Closing Keynote panel, “Change Your Future; Change the World,” but should be around the rest of the day as well. Here’s what we’ll be discussing on our panel: Blogging

I’m Speaking at BlogHer Boston

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be speaking at BlogHer Boston, part of the BlogHer series of conferences for and about women bloggers, on October 11. Founder Elisa Camahort was kind enough to invite me to speak at the Closing Keynote, “Change Your Future; Change the World.” That sounds like the tagline for a Terminator

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