
GLSEN National School Climate Survey 2021

Schools Remain Hostile for LGBTQ Students, New Study Shows

GLSEN’s latest biennial National School Climate Survey (NSCS), released today, has found few positive changes for LGBTQ students in the past two years, with 82 percent of LGBTQ students feeling unsafe at school, and almost all hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks, many from teachers and staff. What can we do about this?

Day of Silence

Shouting with Silence

Today marks the Day of Silence, when many students from middle grades to college choose to remain silent to protest the harm caused by harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools. This year, with a record number of anti-LGBTQ bills hitting young people especially hard, this silence needs to resonate more loudly than ever.

Day of Silence

Silence, Please

Today marks the Day of Silence, when many students from middle school to college choose to remain silent to protest the harm caused by harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools. This year, GLSEN is offering students both in-person and virtual ways of participating.

Spirit Day 2020

Standing Up Against Bullying This Spirit Day

GLAAD’s annual Spirit Day today is a time to speak out against anti-LGBTQ bullying and stand with LGBTQ youth. That’s a tough mandate at a time when our country is led by someone for whom bullying and name-calling is a way of life, but it’s also all the more reason to focus our attention on the problem.

No Name-Calling Week

10 LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books for No Name-Calling Week

It’s GLSEN’s annual No Name-Calling Week, a time dedicated to ending name-calling and bullying in schools. We parents, of course, can also have an impact on stopping such behaviors and supporting those who have been the subject of them. Here some LGBTQ-inclusive picture books that involve name calling and that may be useful for parents of young children to read and discuss with our kids.

GLSEN Day of Silence

Break the Silence

Today marks the Day of Silence, when many students from middle school to college choose not to speak, in order to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment. Doing so feels ever more necessary, even though this past week saw some progress towards addressing the issue.

No Name-Calling Week

The Gay Dad’s Story Behind No Name-Calling Week

In addition to being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, today marks the beginning of GLSEN’s annual No Name-Calling Week, when schools across the country will be having activities and events to encourage kindness and end name-calling and bullying. Did you know the event was started because of a book written by a gay dad?

Spirit Day

Spirit Day: Speak Out Against Bullying and for LGBTQ Youth

Today is Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to speak out against anti-LGBTQ bullying and stand with LGBTQ youth, who disproportionately face bullying and harassment. Our nation’s leader continues to set an example of a bully in action, making events like Spirit Day—and the actions they can inspire all year long—more critical than ever.

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