child custody


Keeping Families Together, No Matter How They Are Formed

I’m very pleased to bring you a guest piece by Patience Crozier, an attorney with GLAD who was co-counsel in a key case about the rights of nonbiological moms. She not only discusses the case, but also shares some key points that unmarried same-sex parents or prospective parents should know about securing ties to their children.

Arizona Flag

Victory for Nonbio Mom in Arizona Case Stresses the Benefits to Children

A nonbiological mother is a legal parent to the child she and her same-sex spouse conceived through assisted reproduction, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled yesterday, in a ruling that emphasized the benefits such recognition has for children. The ruling could also have an impact on at least one more pending case.

Arizona Flag

Arizona Court: Married Nonbio Mom Has No Claim to Parenthood; Obergefell Is Irrelevant

The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that a nonbiological mother is not entitled to be seen as a parent, even though she was married to the biological mother, they planned the child together, and both of their names were on the child’s birth certificate. It also said that the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in Obergefell has nothing to do with parenting statutes.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

Here’s what’s been happening that I haven’t already posted about, including an inclusive ad from Germany, a classic children’s book author whom you might not know was a gay dad, and more.

New York State Seal

New York Ruling Expands Definition of Parent

In a major ruling today that will benefit same-sex parents, among others, the New York Court of Appeals said that a person who is not related to a child by biology or adoption may still be considered a parent if they and the other parent agreed to have and raise the child together—even if the two adults are not married.

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