children’s television


Sesame Street Hits Milestone, without LGBTQ Inclusion

Sesame Street has been a pioneer of diversity in children’s television, unafraid to incorporate characters of various ethnicities, languages, and physical abilities. They had a multi-episode storyline with an adoptive single mother in 2006. Why then, have they still shown no clearly LGBTQ characters (rumors about Bert and Ernie notwithstanding)?

Sesame Street and LGBT Families

In honor of the 40th season of Sesame Street, which starts tomorrow, I thought I’d rerun this video, which made the rounds earlier this year and is based on a much older episode of the show. Yes, this is exactly what marriage equality proponents want to teach children. The horror. I was two when Sesame


LGBT Families on Public Television: the Time Has Come

Amidst all the talk of potential progress for LGBT rights under President Obama, one opportunity has made few headlines: the prospect of more LGBT inclusive children’s programming on public television. Talk with almost any LGBT parent, and they will bemoan the dearth of LGBT families in children’s media. There is a clear need—and a new

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