civil unions

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. National News Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), sponsor of a bill to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) said it wouldn’t be repealed in this Congress and that efforts next year will focus on building support for the issue. A Senate committee approved the nomination of openly lesbian law professor Chai Feldblum as a […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Wow. Another week of major news. I’ll keep this fairly short, though, as there’s bound to be lots of news next week after the elections, one way or another. U.S. National News President Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It’s worth reading his remarks (link above) and Judy

Cheese and Roses

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D) signed a bill yesterday that allows same-sex couples to register as domestic partners and thus gain certain rights like hospital visitation and survivor benefits. As an erstwhile Cheesehead, who met my now-spouse while we were both graduate students at UW-Madison, this comes as happy news. Wisconsin is, in fact, the

Weekly Political Roundup

(Parenting-related news gets its own roundup around here.) Steve Schmidt, John McCain’s campaign manager, said, “There is a sound conservative argument to be made for same-sex marriage.” (I leave it as a matter of discussion as to whether there is a sound argument for conservatism.) A new poll also shows Republican insiders are almost evenly

Weekly Political Roundup

Lots of stuff on the Prop 8 hearing this week, of course. Even U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has weighed in, saying, “This attempt to undo good that has been done is unacceptable.” The New York Times called it “a bruising hearing.” Both the L.A. Times and the San Francisco Chronicle think the Court is

Weekly Political Roundup

Lawmakers in both houses of Congress reintroduced legislation to allow a foreign national’s domestic partner in the United States to sponsor their immigration to the country. The bill is now known as the Uniting American Families Act. In celebration of Freedom to Marry Week, same-sex couples applied for marriage licenses around the country, including Dallas,

Marriage Equality and the Protection of Children

First, I’m still accepting posts for the Freedom to Marry blogswarm. Submit your link here. Second, because it’s a celebratory week here in the LGBT blogosphere, Robin at The Other Mother is kicking off a carnival today at her place, on the theme, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” Here’s my contribution for

Weekly Political Roundup

President Obama has appointed Alison J. Nathan, who is openly lesbian, as his associate counsel. Nathan was recently the Fritz Alexander Fellow at New York University School of Law and a visiting assistant professor at Fordham Law School. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Nathan was the national voter protection senior advisor to the Obama campaign

Marriage vs. Civil Unions: The Impact on Children

The New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission has completed its final report. It found that the state’s civil union law “invites and encourages harm to same-sex couples and their children” and cites “overwhelming evidence” the civil union law will never provide equality with the passage of time. The entire 79-page report is quite a read.

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