
Weekly Political Roundup

The big news this week is the LGBT community’s reaction to President Obama’s grant of limited benefits to partners of federal employees. Here’s my take on it. The Washington Blade has more analysis. The news comes on the heels of Obama’s decision to defend a Department of Justice filing that supports DOMA. On that case, […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Another big week: President Obama “is under pressure to engage on a variety of gay issues that are coming to the fore” reports the New York Times. Perhaps obvious, but the article is a good summary of where things stand. Lawyer Emma Ruby-Sachs looks at the two lesbians who are under consideration for the U.S.

D.C. Council Votes to Recognize Married Same-Sex Couples

The news keeps getting better: The Washington, D.C. Council voted today to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Like Vermont. And Iowa. And Massachusetts. And Connecticut. The Washington Post reports that the Council will likely take a final vote on the legislation next month. Congress must then approve—meaning the outcome is far from certain.

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