garden state equality

Weekly Political Roundup

President Obama continued to avoid answering questions about his stance on marriage equality. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to begin collecting health data on LGBT populations. Immigration officials canceled the deportation of a Venezuelan man living in New Jersey who is married to an American man. President Obama nominated Robert […]

Weekly Political Update

Army National Guard Lt. Dan Choi, who faces dismissal under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, is back training with his unit. The U.S. Health and Human Services Department and the Administration on Aging have awarded Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) a three-year, $900,000 grant to create the nation’s only national

Weekly Political Roundup

Elections As I’m sure you all know, we lost marriage equality in Maine. Everyone is writing about this. A few pieces of note are those of Jeremy at Good As You and Nan Hunter at Bilerico, who look at how the right won against a solid equality campaign; Pam on the “dying hog of homophobia”;

Maine-taining Faith by the Jersey Shore

Maine is one of my favorite vacation spots. I’ve gone there ever since I was two and my parents took me camping along the coast. One of my earliest memories is of the moose that came wandering around our cabins one morning. I wrote about Maine before the election, and noted that once again, the

New Garden State Equality TV Commercials

I’m sitting here reloading umpteen browser tabs as election results come in. At the moment, it looks like the Kalamazoon anti-discrimination ordinance has passed, openly gay Steve Kornell has won a seat on the St. Petersburg, Florida, City Council, Maine is still too close to call, and Washington polls have not yet closed. In New

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